10 Music Promotion Strategies That Actually Work

10 Music Promotion Strategies That Actually Work

Music Promotion Strategies As a musician, you know how challenging it can be to get your music heard. Music promotion is essential to gaining a fanbase and getting noticed in the industry. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 music promotion strategies that actually...

8 music promotion ideas for artist in 2023

8 music promotion ideas for artist in 2023

Music promotion has become increasingly important in today's digital age, where there is a vast amount of music available to listeners. With so many artists vying for attention, it's crucial for musicians to find ways to promote their music and stand out from the...

Why artist owning their copyright is important

Why artist owning their copyright is important

Copyright is a vital tool for artists who wish to take control of their music and music career. It is a form of legal protection that grants creators exclusive rights over the use and distribution of their original works, including music. This allows artists to manage...

Music industry and the blockchain

Music industry and the blockchain

Introduction The blockchain is a technology that has the potential to revolutionize many industries and change the way we live our lives. In this article, I will explore how it can be used by musicians and music industry professionals to improve their artistic...

The Best Music Promotion For Your Music

The Best Music Promotion For Your Music

Being in a band is tough. It’s hard work and there are lots of challenges to deal with. But you knew that already, right? What may not be so obvious right away is that music promotion is just as difficult, if not more so, than being an artist. You have to figure out...